When Your Hometown Becomes a Hashtag

Since early May, I have been consumed with preparing for the Louisiana Bar Exam. Early mornings and late nights spent buried under seemingly endless laws somewhere between Starbucks, CC’s and the library. In an effort to focus, I deleted all of my social media apps. The world just seemed to continue around me and my bar prep... Continue Reading →

A Piss Poor Parade

Nowhere in the country is Mardi Gras more awaited and celebrated than in South Louisiana. Anyone who knows me knows I take my born, raised, and still in South Louisiana status seriously. I love Louisiana, flaws and all. However, sometimes, my fellow Louisianans let me down, and today, some did. Today was the 35th annual... Continue Reading →

Hate, Not Heritage

Scrolling up and down my Facebook timeline has become a taxing endeavor. Honestly, its social media in general. The race debate has reached a fever pitch in the wake of the massacre in Charleston (R.I.P to the 9 innocent victims and prayers for their families and the community). Currently, the turmoil on my Facebook TL... Continue Reading →

Colorstruck or Colorstuck

  All my life I’ve heard, “You’re so pretty, for a dark skin girl.” That lingering qualifier used to invalidate the compliment before it even registered. Nowadays I mostly ignore them and forgive them for their ignorance. I grew up less than loving my skin tone. My momma did her best to show me that... Continue Reading →

Mommy Knows Best

I just purchased seven books on amazon.com and may I say this is a great day. At least five of the books were $0.01. That is a BLESSING. On this, the day that I skipped church. Whew, amen. I’ve been infatuated with books and reading for as long as I can remember. It’s my momma’s... Continue Reading →

Softball Strikeouts.

A about a year ago I decided to start playing softball again. I played in middle and high school and intramural in college so me playing wasn’t a stretch. I initially sought out a team through the local YMCA like organization but I was later approached by an old teammate to play on another team.... Continue Reading →


Growing up southern is a privilege. Life is slower down here but the people are not. I grew up with a typical southern upbringing. Respect your elders. Go to church. Go to college. Football is EVERYTHING. Drink sweet tea. But somewhere along the way I dipped off into a more independent state of mind. Being... Continue Reading →

2 Strikes. Not Out.

In a world where being a black woman can be equated to being born with 2 strikes against you, I wanted a voice. Anyone who knows me knows I have a lot to say. I am loud. I am opinionated. I am passionate. Speaking out has never been a problem for me. I am concerned... Continue Reading →

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